Lineman is 2024 Kannada-language comedy drama film written and directed by Raghu Shastry and stars Thrigun and B. Jayashree. The film was made by Yateesh Venkathesh and Ganesh Papanna under the banner of Purple Rock Entertainers.
- Thrigun as Natesha
- Kaajal Kunder
- B. Jayashree Harini Shreekanth
- Anjali Chethan Gandharva Gowravshetty
- Dileep Kempegowda
- Sandeep Kempegowda
- Suhail Rasool
- Mico Nagaraj
- Niviksha Naidu
- Samarth Narsimraju
- Sujay Shastry
- Apporva Shree Shridatta
The planned theatrical release date of the film was 15 March 2024 but later postponed to 22 March 2024.
The film is available for viewing on Amazon Prime Video.