The gangster action thriller film OG, alternatively titled They Call Him OG, is an upcoming Telugu film written and directed by Sujeeth, with production handled by D. V. V. Danayya of DVV Entertainment. In the film, the lead actors are Pawan Kalyan, Priyanka Mohan, and Emraan Hashmi, who is making his Telugu debut.
Official casting for the movie was revealed in December 2022, and principal photography in Mumbai started in April 2023. While Ravi K. Chandran is in charge of the cinematography, Thaman S. is responsible for the musical score and soundtrack.
The launching date of OG is set on September 27, 2024. However, due to unfinished filming, the film’s production team intended to delay its release and instead release it in 202
In OG, a vicious don known as Ojas Gambheera “OG”comes to Mumbai after a ten-year absence with the
intention of killing Omi Bhau, another crime lord.
- Pawan Kalyan as Ojas Gambheera “OG”
- Emraan Hashmi as Omi Bhau
- Priyanka Mohan
- Arjun Das
Prakash Raj - Subhalekha Sudhakar
- Sriya Reddy
- Harish Uthaman
- Abhimanyu Singh
- Ajay Ghosh
In October 2022, it was reported that Sujeeth narrated a script to Pawan Kalyan which impressed him. On 4 December 2022, Kalyan announced that he would collaborate with director Sujeeth, who previously directed Saaho (2019), for his venture after Hari Hara Veera Mallu with Krish Jagarlamudi. The project was funded by D. V. V. Danayya under DVV Entertainment with a reported production budget of ₹250 crore. Kalyan was reported to receive ₹100 crore for remuneration. cinematographer Ravi K. Chandran, music composer Thaman S and production designer A. S. Prakash were chosen as a part of the crew.[8] A muhuratam puja ceremony was held on 30 January 2023 at a studio in Hyderabad with the presence of the film’s cast and crew. Later, Sujeeth began location scouting for the film with cinematographer Ravi K. Chandran and production designer A. S. Prakash at Flora Fountain in Mumbai.
Priyanka Mohan was chosen to play the lead female role, while Emraan Hashmi made his Telugu film debut as the antagonist. Other supporting parts are portrayed by Prakash Raj, Sriya Reddy, Arjun Das, and Harish Uthaman.
Principal photography started in Mumbai on April 15, 2023, with the first schedule. Within the same month, Kalyan joined the sets. On May 2, the first schedule was completed.Pune was used to film a few sequences starring Kalyan and Priyanka Mohan.In Hyderabad, the second schedule started on May 18. On June 4, the third schedule got underway. This schedule was Emraan Hashmi’s introduction to the sets. June 26 marked the completion of this schedule.[22] On July 11, 2023, the fourth schedule got underway. The two-month Mumbai program came to an end on September 18, 2023.
Following Vakeel Saab, Bheemla Nayak, and Bro, Thaman S collaborated with Pawan Kalyan on four soundtracks, including this one.On September 3, 2023, the song “Hungry Cheetah” was made available.
The peek video was unveiled on September 2, 2023, which also happened to be Kalyan’s birthday. A promotional event was conducted at the Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad. Within 24 hours after its debut, it rose to the top of the Telugu glance list.
OG was originally slated for release on September 27, 2024, however production setbacks forced a postponement to 2025.