“Radha Madhavam,” an eagerly anticipated Telugu drama and romance film directed by Dasari Eshaku, is poised to captivate audiences when it hits the screens on March 1, 2024. The movie boasts a stellar cast including Vinayak Desai, Aparna Devi, and Meka Rama Krishna, under the skilled production of Gonal Venkatesh for GVK Creation, with an impressive budget of ₹30 crore.
The film intricately weaves a narrative that explores the profound dimensions of love, challenging societal norms and prejudices. While specific streaming details remain under wraps, the film’s thematic depth and stellar cast have already generated substantial excitement within the film community.
In the heart of “Radha Madhavam (2024),” Aparna Devi’s character grapples with the repercussions of her husband’s untimely demise, a consequence of their inter-caste marriage. Overcoming the initial shock and despair, she stumbles upon her late husband’s unfulfilled aspirations. Motivated by a newfound purpose to honor his memory, she embarks on a journey to convey a powerful lesson about love’s enduring strength.
The narrative unfolds as she, with resilience and determination, confronts her own father, challenging ingrained beliefs and societal expectations. Through this emotional journey, the film aims to unravel the transformative power of love, portraying it as a force capable of defying conventional barriers.
“Radha Madhavam” promises to be a cinematic spectacle, not only for its engaging storyline but also for its exploration of themes that resonate with the complexities of human relationships and societal dynamics. As audiences eagerly await its release, the film stands poised to make a significant impact in the realm of Telugu cinema.
Director | Eshaku Dasari |
Story | Eshaku Dasari |
Screenplay | Eshaku Dasari |
Dialogues | Eshaku Dasari |
Cinematography | Ram Satyam |
Editor | K Ramesh |
Music | Chaitu Kolli |
Producer | Gonal Venkatesh |
Cast | Vinayak DesaiAparna DeviMeka RamakrishnaSrikanth ParkaalaKrithika Krishna |
Release Type | Theatre |
Language | Telugu |
Production | Gvkcreations |
Budget | 30Cr |
OTT Platform | NA |
Release Date :
01 March 2024