The Indian comedy-drama Sundaram Master comes out in 2024. It was written and directed by Kalyan Santhosh. It was made by RT Team Works and Goal Den Media with help from Ravi Teja and Sudheer Kumar Kurra. The main actors are Harsha Chemudu, Divya Sripada, and Harsha Vardhan.
Sundar Rao shows up in the town of Miryalametta as an English teacher, but he has something else in mind. The main mysteries of the movie are how the villagers respond to him and what happens with his mission.
Sundar Rao played by Harsha Chemudu
Myna played by Divya Sripada
Balakrishna Neelakantapuram played Peddayya, and Bhadram Chaitanya played Oja.